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UPDATE : JUNE 10, 2020

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Lifestyle Lab Logo BW.jpg

Changing With The Times!...

U P  D A T E 


Hi Everybody, 

When COVID hit, obviously things changed for everyone although our intent for Lifestyle Lab has not.  It's always been about personal creativity.   


While we will, in fact, continue to explore many options, simply put...we're at a moment in time where we've been presented with new opportunities to use Lifestyle Lab more fully, BUT, as a media and film studio headquarters. The goal is to do our best to spread the message of hope by reminding folks about the immense power of our personal creativity as the tool to quiet the fear that now surrounds us daily!  


Because, let's face it, there is no bigger news than the idea that only by getting busy, reigniting our often buried (but inherent) creatively, can we regain the core courage to find our "new Normal."   --Not one forced on us by COVID, but one which can give us the opportunity to make new choices about ourselves and our lives because of the COVID experience.  


Perhaps, without having been forced to hit the "pause" button, we may never have been reminded how precious life is.  Nor, how much we have forgotten about our inner creative heart light that, no matter how we try to pile-on fear, still pulses there, waiting for us, if we just fan the fires with a little love rather than hate.  


We will send out a notice when the new Lifestyle Lab site page and new videos are complete and ready to help you ad quality of life back into your lives.  


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