After many years as an educator followed by a decade producing and hosting over a thousand hours of original lifestyle programming for The Discovery Channel, I left television. It was for the sole purpose of tracking what I knew would be the most significant culturally shared experience in recent history. Certainly of my lifetime.
While I expected the economic crash to be financially devastating for millions of my viewers and readers, I also suspected that its lingering effects of imposed prioritizing would finally trigger the beginning of a long-overdue national dialogue about quality of life. Columbine, 9/11, Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth and governmental gridlock followed, creating all the earmarks of a pending historical shift. With social media now the first globally initiative technology, millions began sharing their personal stories instantly, transforming what was once a "silent majority" into what is now the most powerful collective voice on the planet. It only stood to reason that everything would come up for review as American's took stock.
RightSIZE UP is the culmination of a seven-year study of where we are now at a pivotal juncture when a majority of a country's citizens are experiencing political, environmental, educational and enlightenment fatigue. While half the leading pundits will spin this in one direction, the other half of us see what are the first signs of a renaissance. We're already seeing the tipping points. We saw what not paying attention got us. We won't do that again!
We've seen the power of the collective woman (and good men's) voices against bad men. They won't do that again either. With bad choices and our own social networks we're learning that we all have a voice and that they actually do matter. A new age of heightened individual creativity, innovation, and greater human understanding is comming. But first, American's must let go of the antiquating habits and lifestyles they thought they wanted, to make room for the lives they really want now. But how?
RightSIZE UP is the gateway for millions of Americans to re-choose what the new essentials of their human footprints are now so they can start clean and finally customize a quality of life that better suits them individually. I'm out spreading the word through stage events and workshops right now because there's never been a better time to reinvent than...well RIGHT NOW.
Join me!
Christopher Lowell